Saving ST-code

How to save code in the ST-editor:

  1. In menu File or from the context menu of the ST-editor, select Save.

    By default, saving automatically triggers the creation of code that is required for the →target system (see "Cleaning projects" for more information). By default, the files with the code are not displayed within the project explorer

How to save code in all opened →editors:

  1. In menu File, select Save All.

How to save code in the ST-editor under a different name:

  1. In menu File, select Save As...

  2. In the dialog, enter or select the parent folder (if necessary), then enter the name of the object in File name and click Finish.

(info) Neuron Power Engineer provides a so-called autosave feature so that changes in editors are automatically saved. By default, autosave is disabled for the editors.
If you want to activate autosave, change the settings in the preferences as follows: menu WindowPreferences, group GeneralEditorsAutosave – Check Enable autosave for dirty editors and enter the required interval in the input field below. This preference is used for all →editors